"Our Mission is to Build on Theories of Learning and Instruction to Create Innovative Learning Environments that Maximize Learner Capacity to Achieve Learning Goals"

Senior Program Committee Member for 2023 ICLS  and Program Committee Member for CSCL

Senior Program Committee Member for 2023 ICLS and Program Committee Member for CSCL 🔗

January 19, 2023

Co-Director, Dr. Min Kyu Kim, serves as a Senior Program Committee Member for the Learning Sciences (ICLS) and program Committee Member for  Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).  The theme for this year’s annual meeting, Building knowledge and sustaining our community, explores the recent unfolding educational and social climate and new roles and practices for technology and distributed communities that have been quick to evolve and become adopted.  The ICSL meeting will be held in Montreal, Canada, from June 13, 2023, to June 17, 2023.  

Review Editor in Frontiers in Psychology

Review Editor in Frontiers in Psychology 🔗

January 19, 2023

Frontiers in Psychology is one of the field's top gold SSCI journals in the category of Psychology, Multidisciplinary with an impact factor of 4.232. As a review editor, Co-director, Dr. Nam Ju Kim, will suggest and/or co-edit a research topic article collection- contribute to the editorial direction of the journal by developing an article collection that is in line with the field of educational psychology and also recruit the reviewers for the submitted manuscripts. 

Reviewer for the evaluation report in IES, U.S. Department of Education

Reviewer for the evaluation report in IES, U.S. Department of Education 🔗

January 19, 2023

Co-director, Dr. Nam Ju Kim, will serve as a reviewer for the evaluation report published by IES. With his expertise in Bayesian statistical analysis. he will judge the quality of the report synthesizing "What Works Clearinghouse" research. "What Works Clearinghouse" is a leading federal source of evidence-based information about education programs, policies, and interventions that show promise for improving student outcomes.  

Presentation at the AI-ALOE External Advisory Board Meeting

Presentation at the AI-ALOE External Advisory Board Meeting 🔗

December 2, 2022

Director Dr. Min Kyu Kim and two project GRAs, Jinho Kim and Yoojin Bae attended the AI-ALOE External Advisory Board Meeting, which was held virtually on December 2nd, 2022. With all members of the AI-ALOE executive committee present, there were discussions about the many research projects and technology deployments of 2022. We shared findings from our deployment of SMART at two TCSG courses in a seven-minute presentation by Jinho Kim. We were able to show positive changes in student summary indices and surveys, as well as findings from interviews.

AI2 Lab Fall Feast

AI2 Lab Fall Feast 🔗

October 22, 2022

AI2 members at GSU had a Fall Feast event at Dr. Kim's house on October 22, 2022.  It was our first face-to-face fun activity that had been delayed due to the COVID pandemic.  Dr. Kim cooked Korean BBQ (chicken and beef), kmbob (Korean sushi), tteokbokki (spicy Korean rice cake), and some beverages. Also, there was very authentic international food our members brought. There were a lot of leftovers after we ate as full as we could hold.  We should have invited more guests! We will do it next time.  

AI2 members gave a talk about AI-enabled learning analytics.

AI2 members gave a talk about AI-enabled learning analytics. 🔗

October 4, 2022

Director Dr. Min Kyu Kim and two graduate research associates, Jinho Kim and Yoojin Bae were invited to present the topic, "AI-Enabled Learning Analytics: Strategies and Examples" at the AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (ALOE) Meetings: Use-Inspired AI. In the presentation, they discussed their ideas on the topic of AI-enabled learning analytics and introduced some research projects in progress to demonstrate how AI can help conduct descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.


Jinho Kim and Lia Haddadian present lastest work at AI-ALOE

Jinho Kim and Lia Haddadian present lastest work at AI-ALOE 🔗

August 19, 2022

On August 19, 2022, there was an National Science Foundation (NSF) visit meeting at AI-ALOE with NSF Program Director, James Dolon. With it being approximately a year since the start of the AI-ALOE project, researchers and graduate students discussed their work with agendas such as virtual assistants, participatory design, technology infrasturcure, self-directed learning, learning analytics, personalized learnning, machine teaching and mutual theory of mind. 

Our two project GRAs, Jinho Kim and Lia Haddadian attended in-person to present the findings. At the morning session, Jinho spoke about how the Student Mental Model Analyzer for Research and Teaching (SMART) has been implemented in the pervious semester. During the afternoon session, Jinho presented how textul data is analyzed and evaulated in SMART. Lia showed how SMART can be used as a personalized learning tool. 

Link to AI-ALOE News Post

Min Kyu Kim was invited to present his work on adult learner motivation

Min Kyu Kim was invited to present his work on adult learner motivation 🔗

July 29, 2022

Director Dr. Min Kyu Kim was invited to give a talk about adult motivation research at the AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (ALOE) Meetings: AI Research Exploration. In the presentation, building on his previous studies and the literature review, Dr. Kim shared learning-related motivational theories and what we need to consider for motivation research in online adult education settings such as AI ALOE.


Book Chapter Publication

Book Chapter Publication 🔗

July 19, 2022

Our graduate research associate, Jinho Kim, has a newly published book chapter discussing the effects of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) on whole-person development.

Lee, M., Kim, S., Choi, S. Y., & Kim, J. (2022). Does the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) contribute to Whole-Person Development? The Rise of the IBDP in Asia and its implications for education reform. In Centering Whole-Child Development in Global Education Reform (pp. 83–101). Routledge.
Link to Chapter Introduction

In Asia, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is gradually perceived as a pedagogically progressive, internationally validated, high-quality curriculum that is designed to support whole-child/youth development. While there is a growing, positive sentiment about the IBDP in conjunction with whole-person development, little is known about how successful the IBDP is in facilitating whole-person development in school. In this chapter, we review what research tells us about how the IBDP plays out in whole-person development. We found that the research literature largely supports the proposition that the IBDP contributes to whole-person development by facilitating students’ creativity, critical thinking skills, international mindedness, communication, collaboration, and self-management skills. Especially when compared with non-IBDP students and/or graduates, this tendency seems more evident. Our review suggests that the IBDP as a pedagogically well-balanced curriculum may work for whole-person development across different cultural contexts, including Asia. In this regard, we conclude that the reform idea of introducing the IBDP to local school systems in some countries in Asia is worth pursuing. At the same time, however, we provide several caveats for the reform idea, based on the limitations of the existing research literature.

NSF SaTC Project: Pilot Test on Saturday, June 25, 2022

NSF SaTC Project: Pilot Test on Saturday, June 25, 2022 🔗

June 25, 2022

We pilot-tested the Private AI curriculum at the conference room, 25 Park Place, on Saturday, June 25, 2022. 29 undergraduate and graduate CS students participated in the pilot test. Our two project GRAs, Prajwal Panzade and Lia Haddadian, developed the test module, Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML), using Differential Privacy with the focus, Differential Privacy & TensorFlow. Akshita Maradapu Vera Venkata sai, a 4th-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University, was recruited to lecture the module.

The CS curriculum “Private AI” consists of 10 modules that teach students to use specific techniques to address various privacy challenges in AI systems. We designed each module based on the principles of Problem-Centered Instruction (PCI) that feature a series of learning activities: real-world problem scenarios, instructor-led instruction, individual assignments supported by worked examples, crowd-based hands-on lab activities in pairs, and debriefing lessons learned. The data collection includes pre-and post-test, a survey, video recordings of hands-on lab activities, audio recordings of the debriefing session, instructor interview, and student interviews.